Saturday, November 5, 2016

Barrier Breaker Builds For WR1043ND

Barrier Breaker Builds For WR1043ND

Please refer to my latest post for the new updates, this post has been deprecated.

  1. Reduce ZRAM to 1/4 of RAM based on system usage observation
  2. Update config and redo optimization flag
I have release a new OpenWRT BB Build and AA for
  1. MR3420v2 (For 8MB Flash only you need to upgrade the flash to 8MB to use it)
  2. WR1043NDv1
  3. WDR3500/WDR3600/WDR43XX/MW4350R
Available here
I added OpenVPN with luci interface and upgraded many packages including miniDLNA.
When I tested I was not able to encounter any wireless issues even when I saturate the Router with torrents with large seeders.
If you are restoring your config please DELETE the old /etc/config/wireless as there are some changes to the wireless config.
rm /etc/config/wireless
wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless
I have completed a working Barrier Breaker build for WR1043ND.
It is complete with firmware and packages in the bin directory.
This time I did it the correct way so you can easily fork and pull the updates from the official openwrt repository.
I also separated the packages and the luci repository.
There are some difference in my luci and package repository.
First the LuCI is minified and I added Multiwan 3 from a OpenWRT forumer and Smart Queue Manager from CeroWRT.
I also removed PPOA from luci and modified packages such as lighttpd from the original repo.
The good part is if you have you own router buildroot and you want to pull from my packages and luci repos you can just add it to the feeds and the buildroot will automatically pull the feeds.

If you want to build your own router firmware:
1)Install the software development packages on your Linux system.
2)Git clone the repos
3)change directory into the repo
- ./scripts/feeds update -a
- ./scripts/feeds install -a
- make menuconfig
4) Choose whatever you want then
- make V=s

It seems like barrier breaker is doomed for a performance regression, actual NAT Speeds I can obtain from jperf is around 130 Mbps with Layer 7 enabled.

You can download the firmware from here.
It uses Multiwan 3 and Smart Queue Manager instead of QoS-Scripts.
It also has ZRAM included that takes up half your memory for swap.

Do not use the attitude adjustment OpenSSL functions!
It is not patched unlike my new barrier breaker builds.

Available link for download